Tower's Window Maker Themes
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This page has been visited [Counter] times since August 4, 1998.
This page last modified on August 25th, 1999.

The backgrounds used in these themes are the artwork of Cap'n Jim Varner. His artwork is used by permission. Here is the disclaimer from Cap'n Jim's site:

No graphics, music, themes or other material obtained from this site may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed in whole or in part without the express permission of both the author and the respective trademark holders. As trademarked material, any use or misuse can result in severe legal liability. The author makes this material available for your personal viewing pleasure only, and by downloading material from this site, you signify that you agree to these terms, and thereby assume any and all liability resulting from its use or misuse.

All Mini screen shots are 512x384 and all full-screen shots are 1024x768. For more recent backgrounds, I have added a Captain's Log section, which contains information about the image, Cap'n Jim's feelings about it, credits etc. Some themes won't have this entry, since Cap'n Jim only keeps his images on his site for a period of time. I have downloaded these older images them before he started posting this information.

Latest Themes

Pride II
[August 25, 1999]

Discovery - Apogee
[June 13, 1999]

[June 12, 1999]

Destination Moon
[April 14, 1999]
Star Wars Themes

Battle for Hoth
[August 15, 1998]

[July 15, 1998]
Captured, January 2, 1999
[January 2, 1999]
Captured II, January 2, 1999
Captured II
[January 2, 1999]

Death of a Titan
[July 22, 1998]

[July 22, 1998]

Docking Bay II
[September 2, 1998]

Emperor Leaves Coruscant
[November 15, 1998]

[July 22, 1998]

Escort Duty
[September 2, 1998]

Imperial Pursuit SE
[October 7, 1998]

[October 7, 1998]

[August 11, 1998]

Kessel Run II
[October 7, 1998]

No Escape
[November 21, 1998]

[December 20, 1998]

Patrol II
[July 15, 1998]

Pride II
[August 25, 1999]

Raid on Deneb
[November 1, 1998]

Reactor Room
[January 25, 1999]

[October 9, 1998]
Star Trek Themes

[September 16, 1998]

Faceoff II
[January 11, 1999]

Klingon II
[January 15, 1999]

The Borg
[August 24, 1998]

USS Defiant
[September 16, 1998]

USS Enterprise
[September 16, 1998]

USS Enterprise - Remix
[August 11, 1998]

USS Enterprise NCC-1701B
[January 29, 1999]
Other Themes

[September 2, 1998]

Destination Moon
[April 14, 1999]

Discovery - Apogee
[June 13, 1999]

Far from Home
[September 27, 1998]

Gulf War
[February 16, 1999]

High Ground
[October 5, 1998]

[June 12, 1999]

[March 8, 1999]

Pensacola Sunrise
[December 6, 1998]

[September 27, 1998]

Surveyor 2001
[November 28, 1998]

[November 9, 1998]