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PyCellChemistry 1.0 Online Reference Manual

This page refers to an earlier version of the sofware. Click here for the latest version.

Getting started

Reference Manual

Basic classes:

Located in the src/artchem/ folder, these python modules are not meant to be invoked directly. Instead, they are imported from the modules implementing the chemistries that need them. These modules contain classes that implement the core functionalities of artificial chemistries. So far only well-mixed and compartment-based chemistries are available.

AC Examples:

Located in the src/ folder, these python modules implement various examples of artificial chemistries found in the literature.

Shell scripts to run the examples:

Located in the src/scripts/ folder, these shell scripts (bash) automate the process of invoking the corresponding python programme for the chemistry and plotting the obtained results.

Writing your own AC

The tutorials and examples provided are intended to provide some basic concepts and initial ideas about ways to program new ACs. One of the best ways to learn is via examples, hence we suggest that after playing with the examples, you start your own chemistry by modifying or extending some of these examples. We believe that once the core elements of your chemistry operate well in Python, it will be easier for you to move on to a computationally more efficient implementation in C, C++, Java or other programming languages.


We welcome any ideas and contributions. PyCellChemistry is free software, under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). It has primarily an educational goal. We hope that it will foster a community of developers around common methods and best-practice procedures to program ACs, to learn how to program ACs, and to improve their accessibility, such that new and relevant applications can be more easily constructed based on the AC concept.

In the future we should set up a repository for collaborative software development, for instance from github or sourceforge. For now however, please send any bug reports or other remarks concerning the software or the web site to Lidia Yamamoto.


Last updated: September 15, 2015, by Lidia Yamamoto