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2024 Schedule

Reg Deadline:
September 13th
23:59 PST

Submit Deadline:
October 13th
23:59 PST

Late October


David Churchill

Quick Links




2024 Registration Open!

The 2024 competition registration is now open!


GitHub Link: https://github.com/davechurchill/STARTcraft

STARTcraft is a project dedicated to getting started with StarCraft AI programming using BWAPI. It contains a tutorial video covering the basics of StarCraft, as well as BWAPI.

Sample Bot Code - UAlbertaBot

Are you new to the StarCraft AI Competition? Want a fully functional bot to start with and modify? We have provided the UAlbertaBot as an open source project with full documentation which you can use as a good point of entry to the competition. If you do use the code however please uphold the spirit of competition and ensure you make significant modification to the bot before you submit it. We don't want multiple copies of the same bot competing!


Welcome to the home of the annual Starcraft AI competition which is organized by David Churchill at Memorial University of Newfoundland and associated with AIIDE - the AI for Interactive Digital Entertainment conference.

During this event, programs will play Starcraft Broodwar games against each other using BWAPI, a software library that makes it possible to connect programs to the Starcraft: BroodWar game engine.

The purpose of this competition is to foster and evaluate progress of AI research applied to real-time strategy (RTS) games. RTS games pose a much greater challenge for AI research than chess because of hidden information, vast state and action spaces, and the requirement to act quickly. The best human players still have the upper hand in RTS games, but in the years to come this will likely change, thanks to competitions like this one.