Hi! I am an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Memorial University, where I am a member of the Theory Group.

Prospective Students: I am looking for graduate students to work with me on topics in complexity theory and in particular proof complexity, circuit complexity, and TFNP. Currently I am only taking students with previous experience in complexity theory and/or research in mathematics. If you are interested, shoot me an email!

My research interests are in the area of computational complexity with a particular focus on proof complexity, circuit complexity and the connections between them. I am also interested in the applications of proof complexity to algorithmic design and analysis, as well as property testing.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher at UCSD and a research fellow at the Simons Institute at UC Berkeley. I received my PhD from the University of Toronto where I had the great fortune of being supervised by Toni Pitassi. For more of my academic past life, you can see my curriculum vitae.

Email: nfleming@mun.ca

Current Team
Recent Publications

  • Fall 2024: COMP 1002, COMP 3602
  • Fall 2023: COMP 3602, COMP 6901
  • Winter 2023: COMP 4742/6902
  • Fall 2022: COMP 6901
Fun Stuff