Department of Computer Science


I like most things computer science so I teach lots of different subjects.

If you want to learn surprising things about the journey this web page has taken to get from my device to yours, or why having ants marching around inside your computer might lead to a solution rather than a problem, then I look forward to seeing you on my courses.

During Fall 2024 I'll be teaching five courses, all on campus.

Select a course from the top menu to view a little more information, including access to a sample course outline.

All course materials are published in Brightspace, and course shells open on the first day of the semester.

Please send all enquiries about programs, course registration requirements, waiting lists and pre-requisites to the undergraduate advising email address: cs-ugradadv @

Please also visit the CS Undergraduate Website, because we've put lots of things there to help you.

See you in class!


mhatcher @

Office: EN2032, S.J Carew Building