SatLL Member List

This is the complete list of members for SatLL, including all inherited members.
ackno() (defined in LL)LL [inline]
ackno_ (defined in LL)LL [protected]
arp_table() (defined in LL)LL [inline]
arpcache_ (defined in SatLL)SatLL [protected]
arpcachedst_ (defined in SatLL)SatLL [protected]
ARPTable::arpinput (defined in LL)LL [friend]
ARPTable::arprequest (defined in LL)LL [friend]
arptable_ (defined in LL)LL [protected]
avoidReordering_ (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay [protected]
bandwidth() const (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay [inline]
bandwidth_ (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay [protected]
channel() (defined in SatLL)SatLL
command(int argc, const char *const *argv) (defined in SatLL)SatLL [protected, virtual]
Connector() (defined in Connector)Connector
debug(const char *fmt,...) (defined in NsObject)NsObject [virtual]
debug_ (defined in NsObject)NsObject [protected]
delay() (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay [inline]
delay_ (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay [protected]
delay_bind_dispatch(const char *varName, const char *localName, TclObject *tracer) (defined in NsObject)NsObject [virtual]
delay_bind_init_all() (defined in NsObject)NsObject [virtual]
downtarget() (defined in LL)LL [inline]
downtarget_ (defined in LL)LL [protected]
drop(Packet *p) (defined in Connector)Connector [virtual]
drop(Packet *p, const char *s) (defined in Connector)Connector [protected, virtual]
drop_ (defined in Connector)Connector [protected]
dynamic_ (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay [protected]
getRoute(Packet *p) (defined in SatLL)SatLL [protected]
handle(Event *e) (defined in LL)LL [inline, virtual]
hdr_dst(Packet *p, int macDA) (defined in LL)LL [inline, virtual]
ifq() (defined in LL)LL [inline]
ifq_ (defined in LL)LL [protected]
initialized() (defined in LL)LL [inline]
intr_ (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay [protected]
isdebug() const (defined in NsObject)NsObject [inline]
itq_ (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay [protected]
lanrouter_ (defined in LL)LL [protected]
latest_time_ (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay [protected]
LinkDelay() (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay
LL() (defined in LL)LL
mac_ (defined in LL)LL [protected]
macDA() (defined in LL)LL [inline]
macDA_ (defined in LL)LL [protected]
NsObject() (defined in NsObject)NsObject
pktintran(int src, int group) (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay
recv(Packet *p, Handler *h) (defined in SatLL)SatLL [virtual]
recv(Packet *p, const char *s) (defined in NsObject)NsObject [virtual]
recvOnly(Packet *) (defined in NsObject)NsObject [inline, virtual]
reset() (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay [protected, virtual]
SatLL() (defined in SatLL)SatLL [inline]
satnode() (defined in SatLL)SatLL [inline]
satnode_ (defined in SatLL)SatLL [protected]
send(Packet *p, Handler *) (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay
sendDown(Packet *p) (defined in SatLL)SatLL [virtual]
sendUp(Packet *p) (defined in SatLL)SatLL [virtual]
seqno() (defined in LL)LL [inline]
seqno_ (defined in LL)LL [protected]
setDropTarget(NsObject *dt) (defined in Connector)Connector [inline]
target() (defined in Connector)Connector [inline]
target(NsObject *target) (defined in Connector)Connector [inline]
target_ (defined in Connector)Connector [protected]
total_ (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay [protected]
txtime(Packet *p) (defined in LinkDelay)LinkDelay [inline]
uptarget() (defined in LL)LL [inline]
uptarget_ (defined in LL)LL [protected]
varp_ (defined in LL)LL [protected]
~Handler() (defined in Handler)Handler [inline, virtual]
~NsObject() (defined in NsObject)NsObject [virtual]