COMP-4768: Software Development
for Mobile Devices

Lecture information

Time (Fall 2018):
13:00-13:50pm, MTR
Dr. Yuanzhu Chen
Office hour
By appointment

Course Description

Software Development for Mobile Devices focuses on the design and implementation of software in a mobile networking environment. The primary topics to be covered in this course include software engineering, network computing, graphics programming, and human-computer interaction for mobile devices. A modern mobile device with advanced networking and graphic features, including multi-touch interaction and motion sensors will be used as the primary platform for development in this course.

Course Prerequisite

  • COMP-2760 or 2008
  • COMP-3715 or 2006
  • COMP-3716 or 2005

Hardware and Lab

The iPhone/iPod touch/iPad will be used as the hardware platform in CS-4768. All assignments and projects will be expected to run on this platform. The software development kit will only run on the Mac OS X platform. As such, a shared laboratory (EN-1066) will be available for students to use if they do not have access to a Mac computer. The lab times (15:30pm — 17:00pm, Tuesdays, select weeks) will be conducted as help sessions for the lab tasks and assignments. A number of iOS devices will be made available on a sign-out basis for testing purposes.

Textbook and references

Recommended texts
  • iOS 7 Programming Fundamentals: Objective-C, Xcode, and Cocoa Basics, by Matt Neuburg. O'Reilly Media; 1ed, 2013. ISBN-13: 978-1491945575.
  • Programming iOS 7 (Paperback), by Matt Neuburg. O'Reilly Media; 4ed, 2014. ISBN-13: 978-1449372347.
The Apple Developer Documentation.


  • Assignments: 30% (10% × 3)
  • Project: 40%
  • Midterm exam: 30% — (in class, date TBD)
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