Provincial Championships, October 20, 2019


Map: Camp Morristown South

The check in is located at the intersection of the Foxtrap Pasture Lands Road and the turn off to Camp Morristown. The start will be further up the Pasture Lands Road, just past the gate and across the bridge (200 m.).

Start Time

The first runners will leave the starting gate at approximatly 10:00AM. Please check your start time and be on site at least 20 minutes beforehand to pick up your bib and pay your registration fee.
start time schedule

Courses and Categories of Competition

Groups and individuals, competitive or not, walking or running, are all welcome.

Junior Intermediate Senior
1.5 - 2.5 km. 3.0 - 4.0 km. 4.0 - 5.0 km.
Youth F10-14
Youth F15-16
Youth F17-18
Youth M10-14
Youth M15-16
Youth M17-18
F Open D
F Open C
F Open B
M Open D
M Open C
M Open B

Fees and Registration Deadline

The fees are as follows:

Adult(over 20) Youth(20 and under)
$10 $6

Please register as soon as possible.

Applicants will be operating on the honour system for payment on the day of the event so please DO NOT register unless you are sure that you are going.

Late registrations will be subject to the availability of maps.

Check your start time (updated 48 hours before the event).

After the Meet

Since you will probably get wet, it would be a good idea to have a change of dry clothes and footwear to change into. A nice hot drink and a snack would not go astray either.

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