↤ go back, or return home

how to make mun page

ssh MUN_USERNAME@garfield.cs.mun.ca # ssh into the garfield server from your
                                    # local machine (if you are using a lab machine,
                                    # this is not required since you are already
                                    # on labnet)

                                    # if this fails, you might first need to visit
                                    # http://www.cs.mun.ca/labnet/login.html
                                    # to create your labnet account, if you have
                                    # not already done this

                                    # this rest of the commands should occur within
                                    # your ssh connection to garfield

cd ~                                # ensure you're in your home directory
mkdir .www                          # make the folder that'll contain web content
chmod 711 .www                      # setup the file mode bits on that folder
cd .www                             # enter the folder
echo "hello, world" > index.html    # create a dummy hello world file
chmod 644 index.html                # setup the file mode bits on that folder too

                                    # now make a brilliant website!

chmod 711 ~                         # this step is optional,
                                    # but your home directory also needs to have
                                    # the executable permission bit set to 1 for
                                    # subdirectories that are viewable, to be
                                    # actually viewable (some people already have
                                    # this, but not everybody)

                                    # stuck?
                                    # reach out to me:
                                    # email -> me@jackharrhy.com
                                    # discord -> <i>jack arthur null<i>#7539