babble bin

links - feb 2nd 2024

i consume many feeds, and sometimes i see posts i like, and wish to comment on

i also consume other peoples link blogs, so here goes a link blog esq post of my own!


Flexoki is an inky color scheme for prose and code.

i’ve always liked the look and feel of stephs’ blog (and content of course), planning to see how this fits my personal site and potentially refactor its colors for the first time in a while to use this


We migrated to SQL. Our biggest learning? Don’t use Prisma

i really liked using Prisma when i started to build stickertrade, and since i deploy to a boring single host docker container setup, the issue of the underlying execution engine being a few megabyte bundle never bit me, but i can see this being annoying within a serverless environment since it would affect the cold start latency quite a bit

also the point ‘There is no concept of SQL-level joins in Prisma.’, i wasn’t aware of this, and if this is true, what an interesting lack of a seemingly to me at least important feature

i’m planning on migrating stickertrade to Drizzle next time i return to the project, and honestly i think if the writer of this article gave Drizzle a look as well they’d likely follow suit, seems like Drizzle is what Prisma should have been, properly TypeScript-native from the start, no schema DSL, no large execution engine blob, much more ergonomic hand-written queries, etc.


General Coordinates Network (GCN) web site

if there was ever a pristine example of real world Remix app (in my opinion), this seems to be it

how breadcrumbs are handled is quite clever, first time seeing useMatches in the wild


The cat is out of the bag: we are working on Rolldown, a rust port of Rollup. 🦀

Evan You, creator of Vue and Vite, announcing Rolldown, which aims to replace esbuild and Rollup within Vite into one solution

this is a big deal in my opinion, since esbuild is currently what makes Vite fast to build during development (since it mostly doesn’t build in dev.), and Rollup is used for production builds; there has always been a distinct separation between dev mode and prod output mode

i always assumed this is just how Vite has to work, since both esbuild and Rollup seem like big enough projects they would be outside the scope of being rewritten within/for Vite itself, but with Rolldown being announced and planned as something which can do both the esbuild approach of at-request-time-non-bundling-bundling, and also an optimized production-build-at-the-same-time, is really neat to me

i’m happy Vite exists, i no longer have to fight with unruly Webpack configuration files for both my one off personal projects and work repositories, and get something as simple yet extendable without the need to ‘eject’

still keeping an eye out on Turbopack, but i feel like Turopack is still hyper-focused on being the best tooling for Next.js, we will have to see if that remains the case forever though


Deno October Update: Deno 1.37 and Deno Queues

“Modern JavaScript in Jupyter notebooks” seems nice, i wonder if you can use MDX with this and have an almost storybook-like experience, i guess not though since it would have no browser APIs

still neat


Announcing Native Language Support in WebContainers

the title of this blog post is ‘…native language support…’, but i am more hyped by the slug, announcing-wasi, i like whenever i see a StackBlitz link to a code example, and have been happy to see them move towards doing more and more in the browser without relying on cloud compute to host code editing / site viewing things, and i’m also been awaiting the eventual adoption of WASI by more and more things

curious to know what aspects of WASI this makes use of, following through a link in the article led me to WebAssembly: An Updated Roadmap for Developers, which mentions wasi:sockets

the last time i tried get my hands dirty with WASI the lack of a socket interface made a lot of interesting two-way communication out of the question, all you could do was call a synchronous function and return without any two way communication, or at least not without adding a lot of glue code between the WASM runtime and the application code, ruining the reason one would even reach for WASI in the first place

i assume a lot of this is either solved problems, or soon to be solved problems now



An Interactive Intro to CRDTs

not really much to say here, i like this article :)

the CRDTs / realtime space is one i’ve wanted to break into with some little personal projects, but i’ve never found time / need for it

i wanted some time ago to muck around with Delta, but never looked into that either

someday :)

(also there is a follow up article on building collaborative pixel art editors with CRDTs, now i really want to dig into this)


The Power of Inline Styles. The Speed of Atomic CSS.

a Meta (Facebook) CSS library

i don’t get it

i’m too Tailwind-pilled at this point to understand anything that isn’t tailwind adjacent syntactically

it’s ok though, i’m sure if it takes off in two years time i would have never thought i could have been so silly


Classic rock, Mario Kart, and why we can’t agree on Tailwind

i wasn’t planning on including this link here, but it surfaced in my miniflux feed through being posted on, and it felt like the logical next link to include after giving a vague dis against stylex, i am in the camp of Tailwind smart steering enjoyer, so i am likely not the target audience of stylex


any thoughts about any of my above babbles?

drop me a line: