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jack's advent of code 2022 ramblings

day 8

note: i took a break writing rambles, and wrote this one on december 14th

today wasn’t a hard problem to conceptualize, but thanks to taking a sneaky approach for part 1 (that didn’t pay off for part 2), it was the first problem that i didn’t complete on the day of, causing me to take a break from aoc for a bit (mostly then switching focus to my [DevFest 2022] talk)

still, here i am writing the ramble

a lot more written in my ‘solution’ section though, i have a feeling this will be the case from here on out… :)

click to view my solution

given the sample input:


assuming input is the above as one big string,

trees =
  |> String.split("\n")
  |> Enum.map(fn row -> row |> String.graphemes() |> Enum.map(&String.to_integer/1) end)

split on newline, then take each row, convert it to characters, and then map those to integers

  [3, 0, 3, 7, 3],
  [2, 5, 5, 1, 2],
  [6, 5, 3, 3, 2],
  [3, 3, 5, 4, 9],
  [3, 5, 3, 9, 0]

basic 2d grid of trees


not required for problem solving, but just to make the output pretty :)

defmodule Draw do
  def grid(grid) do
    for row <- grid do
      for x <- row do
        if x, do: "X", else: "_"
      |> Enum.join("")
    |> Enum.join("\n")

go over each row / item, depending on if that value is true or false, either print X or _, then join back together into one big string


defmodule Quadcopter do
  def navigate(trees) do
    x = trees
    x_rev = x |> Enum.map(&Enum.reverse/1)

    y = trees |> Enum.zip() |> Enum.map(&Tuple.to_list/1)
    y_rev = y |> Enum.map(&Enum.reverse/1)

    [x, x_rev, y, y_rev]

  def analyze_visibility(line) do
    Enum.map_reduce(line, -1, fn x, acc ->
      if x > acc do
        {false, x}
        {true, acc}
    |> elem(0)

  def analyze_scenic_score(value, line, score \\ 0)

  def analyze_scenic_score(value, [compare | remainder], score) do
    if value > compare do
      analyze_scenic_score(value, remainder, score + 1)
      score + 1

  def analyze_scenic_score(_value, [], score), do: score

  def analyze_scenic_score(line) do
    for {x, index} <- Enum.with_index(line) do
      seen = Enum.drop(line, index + 1)
      analyze_scenic_score(x, seen)

  def realign([x, x_rev, y, y_rev]) do
    x_rev = x_rev |> Enum.map(&Enum.reverse/1)
    y = y |> Enum.zip() |> Enum.map(&Tuple.to_list/1)
    y_rev = y_rev |> Enum.map(&Enum.reverse/1) |> Enum.zip() |> Enum.map(&Tuple.to_list/1)
    [x, x_rev, y, y_rev]

  def combine_results(directions, combiner) do
    Enum.reduce(directions, fn direction, acc ->
      Enum.zip(direction, acc)
      |> Enum.map(&Tuple.to_list/1)
      |> Enum.map(&Enum.zip/1)
      |> Enum.map(fn line ->
        Enum.map(line, fn {a, b} -> combiner.(a, b) end)

chonky module

first thing of note (and the entry point that takes in our tree structure) is navigate/1

def navigate(trees) do
  x = trees
  x_rev = x |> Enum.map(&Enum.reverse/1)

  y = trees |> Enum.zip() |> Enum.map(&Tuple.to_list/1)
  y_rev = y |> Enum.map(&Enum.reverse/1)

  [x, x_rev, y, y_rev]

this function returns a list of 4 different ‘views’ of the trees

- x is just the trees as-is

- x_rev is the columns in order, but with the rows reversed

- y is the trees zipped and put back together, which basically functions as rotating the grid such that each nested list represents not the x axis but a y axis

- y_rev the above y variable but flipped, so the y in the other direction as well

the code that actually figured out the visibility / scenic score acts on these lists


def analyze_visibility(line) do
  Enum.map_reduce(line, -1, fn x, acc ->
    if x > acc do
      {false, x}
      {true, acc}
  |> elem(0)

analyze_visibility/1 takes in a line (any one of the inner lists within the 4 lists we created with navigate/1)

it then does a map reduce to figure out if a tree is hidden or not

the accumulator defaults to -1 initially, therefore the first tree that is seen regardless of value will be considered higher than -1, therefore visible, and that value will be set as the current accumulator

the next tree that is seen will have the accumulator of the currently highest seen tree compared to itself, and if it is greater than, will be set to visible with the accumulator updated, or set as not visible, with the accumulator staying the same value (the highest tree seen so far does not update)

we discard the accumulator with |> elem(0), which returns a list of booleans for the given line on if something is visible or not

scenic score

def analyze_scenic_score(value, line, score \\ 0)

def analyze_scenic_score(value, [compare | remainder], score) do
  if value > compare do
    analyze_scenic_score(value, remainder, score + 1)
    score + 1

def analyze_scenic_score(_value, [], score), do: score

def analyze_scenic_score(line) do
  for {x, index} <- Enum.with_index(line) do
    seen = Enum.drop(line, index + 1)
    analyze_scenic_score(x, seen)

analyze_scenic_score, with 4 different clauses, is used to calculate the scenic score of a given line

my first approach to writing this function was done using Enum.map_reduce, but i wasn’t able to get that to work (and aren’t sure if its even possible), and went with this recursive approach instead

def analyze_scenic_score(line) do
  for {x, index} <- Enum.with_index(line) do
    seen = Enum.drop(line, index + 1)
    analyze_scenic_score(x, seen)

analyze_scenic_score/1 takes in the line, and iterates over it, dropping the lines up until the index + 1, so we only compare values that are ahead of x, rather than starting at the beginning of the line each time

we then pass it off to analyze_scenic_score/3 (third value, score, defaults to 0) to actually calculate the scenic score for the given point in the line

def analyze_scenic_score(value, [compare | remainder], score) do
  if value > compare do
    analyze_scenic_score(value, remainder, score + 1)
    score + 1

our recursion function analyze_scenic_score/3 will keep plucking items from the remainder of the list, and comparing it to the value

if the value is greater than the thing we are comparing against, we keep going with the value compared to the tail (the rest of the line), and increase our score by one

if we have a tree we are comparing against that is equal to or greater than or current value we just return score + 1 (this is still a tree we can see, therefore it is used in the scenic score)

def analyze_scenic_score(_value, [], score), do: score

there is also a base case for when we run out of trees, here we just pass back the score since there are no more trees to get points for


def realign([x, x_rev, y, y_rev]) do
  x_rev = x_rev |> Enum.map(&Enum.reverse/1)
  y = y |> Enum.zip() |> Enum.map(&Tuple.to_list/1)
  y_rev = y_rev |> Enum.map(&Enum.reverse/1) |> Enum.zip() |> Enum.map(&Tuple.to_list/1)
  [x, x_rev, y, y_rev]

so navigate/1 took our grid, and made it 4 different but technically the same grids, but now for us to figure out the results we need to realign them, here is where the realign function comes in!

it still returns a list of 4 values, however, these 4 values will all be back onto the same orientation, therefore our next function comes in handy!

combine results

def combine_results(directions, combiner) do
  Enum.reduce(directions, fn direction, acc ->
    Enum.zip(direction, acc)
    |> Enum.map(&Tuple.to_list/1)
    |> Enum.map(&Enum.zip/1)
    |> Enum.map(fn line ->
      Enum.map(line, fn {a, b} -> combiner.(a, b) end)

combine results will take any number of ‘directions’ (such as our 4 aligned grids), and combine them back together, not before using the paseed in combiner function to combine lines from one ‘direction’ with another

part 1

visibility =
  |> Quadcopter.navigate()
  |> Enum.map(fn direction -> Enum.map(direction, &Quadcopter.analyze_visibility/1) end)
  |> Quadcopter.realign()
  |> Quadcopter.combine_results(&(&1 and &2))

Draw.grid(visibility) |> IO.write()

now its time to use the functions!

- take in the trees, use our navigate/1 function to split into the 4 directions

- map each direction, and then each line in each direction, over the analyze_visibility function

- realign the directions back together again

- combine them, with our combiner function being something that does an ’and’ between the two values this means if something says something isn’t visible, and something says it is, it will be assumed to be visible, but if both things agree on it not being visible, it will stay not visible

then, draw the grid for fun



count_of_not_hidden =
  |> List.flatten()
  |> Enum.count(&(!&1)) # -> 21

count the not hidden values, basically everything that is not a x in the above drawing

part 2

scenic_scores =
  |> Quadcopter.navigate()
  |> Enum.map(fn direction -> Enum.map(direction, &Quadcopter.analyze_scenic_score/1) end)
  |> Quadcopter.realign()
  |> Quadcopter.combine_results(&(&1 * &2))

|> List.flatten()
|> Enum.max() # -> 8

do the same as above, except map over the analyze_scenic_score/1 function, and use a combiner that multiplies the values together instead of ’and

then, flatten the list of values, and get the max

the full solution can be found [here]


[krbarter/Advent-Of-Code-2022] python src/data/aoc/2022/data

nice, a part 1:

import numpy as np

score = []
lines      = np.array([list(x.strip()) for x in open("input.txt")], int)
nrow, ncol = np.shape(lines)
visible    = ncol * 2 + (nrow - 2) * 2

for x in range(1, nrow - 1):
    for y in range(1, ncol - 1):
        # branches
        tree       = lines[x,y]
        tree_up    = lines[:x,y]
        tree_down  = lines[x + 1:, y]
        tree_right = lines[x, y + 1:]
        tree_left  = lines[x, :y]

        if tree > max(tree_up) or tree > max(tree_down) or tree > max(tree_left) or tree > max(tree_right):
            visible += 1

print("Part1", visible)

and part 2:

trees =  [list(map(int,list(row))) for row in open("input.txt").read().split("\n")]
total2 = []

for x in range(1, len(trees) - 1):
    for y in range(1, len(trees[0]) - 1):
        height, row, column = trees[x][y],trees[x],[row[y] for row in trees]
        paths = [row[:y][::-1],row[y+1:],column[:x][::-1],column[x+1:]]
        score = 1
        visibleDir = 0
        for path in paths:
            lookScore = 0
            for tree in path:
                lookScore += 1
                if tree >= height:
            score *= lookScore

print("Best Scenic Score is: "+ str(max(total2)))

decently small enough to include inline for todays problem!

interesting to reach for numpy for one part but not for the other


[nint8835/AdventOfCode2022] f# & python src/data/aoc/2022/data

another nint snake lang day

quite a bit of visually duplicated code in get_scenic_distance, but at closer inspection each one is different

a nice solution

[hamzahap/AdventOfCode2022] sheets src/data/aoc/2022/data

quite a few grids splatted around this sheet

love the one simply called ‘WTF’

[TheCrypticCanadian/advent-of-code-2022] python src/data/aoc/2022/data

nice solution as well, as quant as kents but no numpy for part 1

sneaky list slice usage to look left,right,up,down

could reuse some iteration logic between part 1 & 2 to make even smaller

[STollenaar/AdventOfCode2022] golang src/data/aoc/2022/data

i like this go solution

go through each point, and then figure out if its visible from the edge

you can do visibility in one go however, so not very performant

(i usually don’t discuss performance, but since mine does technically do it in one go using a map reduce function, today i pick on performance :P)

i do like how the visibility function is used again in part 2 to figure out the scenic score! clever

[devthedevel/advent_of_code] typescript src/data/aoc/2022/data

lots of functions in this one

but, each function is pretty simplistic, so that is nice

feels similar to svens go solution above, but doesn’t use tricks to have only one visibility function and opts to have 4 different functions instead

still, reuse of logic between part 1 and 2 is always good to see


[ajhynes7/advent-of-code-2022] julia src/data/aoc/2022/data

i like how your solutions always seem to be great at doing part 1 and 2 in one go!

the .> syntax is so cool

i like reading julia solutions

[RyanBrushett/adventofcode2022] ruby src/data/aoc/2022/data


^ such a ruby looking set of expressions :D

def edge?(x, y)
  x == 0 || y == 0 || x == @x_max || y == @y_max

also this nice little function

i always like the if a function ends with a ? it’ll return a boolean thing, since its also something elixir stolen from ruby (along with all of the syntax vibes)

[canetoads.ca] javascript src/data/aoc/2022/data

almost a nathan no scroll bar day, but on my monitor i have a slight vertical scroll bar

nice function usage

[lilmert/aoc] rust src/data/aoc/2022/data

hello marty

oh we pulling out structs and impls today???

dam the only functions here are tiny, you take in the input, use the from function to parse the input into a ‘TreeMap’, and then invoke functions on that struct

quite a few functions here, but all pretty single-purpose / smol


[bjbemister19/AdventOfCode] rust src/data/aoc/2022/data

nice rust solution!

nice usage of seperate file with struct / traits for grids

some copy pasta for navigating each axis, could probably add a comment above each section to say ‘x axis, left to write’ to give some context for readers

i like

[M-ArafatZaman/AdventOfCode] python & c++ src/data/aoc/2022/data

typing usage is always good to see, since its used so often you could probably make it just Grid instead of T_GRID

nice transposing utils!

as mentioned before, snake_case > camelCase for :snake:-lang

could create a function that returns the prefixLeft/right/etc. values given some function to compose each one

again, i like

[MadMaritimer/adventOfCode2022] r src/data/aoc/2022/data

a nice r solution, plenty of pipe usage which makes me happy :)

as_tibble makes me giggle

[foggynight/advent-of-code] python src/data/aoc/2022/data

very nice pythono solution

i like the inner functions used to do the navigation which are used at the bottom to be either or‘d or and‘d together


[ThatGravyBoat/Advent-of-Code-2022] java src/data/aoc/2022/data

nice docstrings!

also plenty of lamda usage, nice

each method is pretty small, nice


if you want to have your repo added for me to make a note of / talk about here (or have you repo removed), reach out:

email -> me@jackharrhy.com

discord -> <i>jack arthur null</i>#7539