CS 6789 (Winter 2014) test / assignment / project / term marks (9:45 am, Apr 16, 2014) These are stored marks for CS 6789 as of the time given above. Please report any discrepancies to Todd Wareham (EN-2034) in person, and have the assignment or test in hand for verification; Note that at-signs ("@") in a field means that this assignment or test will not be counted in computing the final course mark, i.e., the average will be computed over the remaining assignments / tests. IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL DISCREPANCIES MUST BE REPORTED BY 2PM, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16; OTHERWISE, THE MARKS BELOW WILL BE THE ONES USED TO COMPUTE YOUR TERM MARK. ######################################################################## T1 T2 A1 A2 A3 P1 P2 Prj 60.0 60.0 150 120 A3 5.0 5.0 100 4469 55.5 44.5 133 122 70 5 5 90 6093 50 45 129 115 65 5 5 85 8742 46 44 128 101 63 5 5 80 8750 57.5 48.5 141 136 83 5 5 100 ######################################################################## These are the term marks for CS 6789 computed using the stored marks above. Please note that this computation has not been adjusted for assignments or tests that are not counted towards the term mark. ######################################################################## 4469: Asg: 133.0 122.0 70.0 [28.37] Prj: 5.0 5.0 90 [37.00] CE1: 55.5 [13.88] CE2: 44.5 [13.35] Crs: 92.59 [ 92.59] 6093: Asg: 129.0 115.0 65.0 [26.85] Prj: 5.0 5.0 85 [35.50] CE1: 50.0 [12.50] CE2: 45.0 [13.50] Crs: 88.35 [ 88.35] 8742: Asg: 128.0 101.0 63.0 [25.35] Prj: 5.0 5.0 80 [34.00] CE1: 46.0 [11.50] CE2: 44.0 [13.20] Crs: 84.05 [ 84.05] 8750: Asg: 141.0 136.0 83.0 [31.80] Prj: 5.0 5.0 100 [40.00] CE1: 57.5 [14.38] CE2: 48.5 [14.55] Crs: 100.72 [100.72] ########################################################################