Welcome to Gump's Gulch

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About Me:

Hello, I'm Ethan. Welcome! I'm a software developer originally from NB now living and working in St.John's. Go ahead and enjoy the site, see what you can find :)

my best friend: Keborp


Memorial University of Newfoundland

B.Sc, Computer Science



2022-Present Currently working as a full stack developer at enaimco. My main focus is developing a 3D web enviroment utilizing three js, but I also do many other tasks on the front and back end as well.


2020-2021 Previously worked at eDNAtech for a work term throughout my degree and received a pass with distinction at the end of the term. While there I wrote code for there main data pipeline for eDNA metacoding analysis. I also gained more experience scripting in python and R for smaller analysis tasks, as well as containerizing portions of the pipeline.