Snoop Member List

This is the complete list of members for Snoop, including all inherited members.
bufhead_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
buftail_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
callback_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
command(int argc, const char *const *argv) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected, virtual]
debug(const char *fmt,...) (defined in NsObject)NsObject [virtual]
debug_ (defined in NsObject)NsObject [protected]
delay_bind_dispatch(const char *varName, const char *localName, TclObject *tracer) (defined in NsObject)NsObject [virtual]
delay_bind_init_all() (defined in NsObject)NsObject [virtual]
empty_() (defined in Snoop)Snoop [inline, protected]
expDupacks_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
expNextAck_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
fstate_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
g_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
handle(Event *) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [virtual]
integrate_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
isdebug() const (defined in NsObject)NsObject [inline]
lastAck_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
lastSeen_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
lru_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
maxbufs_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
next(int i) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [inline]
NsObject() (defined in NsObject)NsObject
parent_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
persistHandler_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
pkts_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
prev(int i) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [inline]
recv(Packet *, Handler *) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [virtual]
recv(Packet *p, const char *s) (defined in NsObject)NsObject [virtual]
recvOnly(Packet *) (defined in NsObject)NsObject [inline, virtual]
recvtarget_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
reset() (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected, virtual]
rttvar_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
rxmitHandler_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
rxmitStatus_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
savepkt_(Packet *, int, int) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
Snoop() (defined in Snoop)Snoop
snoop_ack(Packet *) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
snoop_cleanbufs_(int) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
snoop_cleanup() (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
snoop_data(Packet *) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
snoop_insert(Packet *) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
snoop_qlong() (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
snoop_rtt(double) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
snoop_rxmit(Packet *) (defined in Snoop)Snoop
snoop_wired_ack(Packet *) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
snoop_wless_data(Packet *) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
snoop_wlessloss(int) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
snoopDisable_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
SnoopPersistHandler (defined in Snoop)Snoop [friend]
SnoopRxmitHandler (defined in Snoop)Snoop [friend]
snoopTick_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
srtt_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
tailTime_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
timeout() (defined in Snoop)Snoop [inline, protected]
toutPending_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
update_state_() (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
wl_bufhead_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
wl_buftail_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
wl_lastAck_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
wl_lastSeen_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
wl_next(int i) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [inline]
wl_prev(int i) (defined in Snoop)Snoop [inline]
wl_state_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
wlreset() (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
wlseqs_ (defined in Snoop)Snoop [protected]
~Handler() (defined in Handler)Handler [inline, virtual]
~NsObject() (defined in NsObject)NsObject [virtual]