Scout and Venture Night Orienteering Meet

Meet Director: Don Spencer, Helen Spencer, Murray Brooker

Meet Location: Camp Northwest

Meet Conditions: Dark,Thin Cloud Layer and Full Moon ..... ( 8 degrees Celsius )

Meet Type: Night Orienteering Score Meet
-Each flag was assigned a value based on the distance from the start (37 total points max).
-Every team started at the same time and had a one hour time limit.
-For every minute after one hour the score was reduced by one point.

October 15th, 2005

Patrol Leader And Assistant Patrol Leader

Team Name Score
Vanier Scouts25 (First Place)
Vanier Leaders21
1st. Goulds #124, 53mins (Second Place)
1st. Goulds #25
1st. Goulds #315
1st. Goulds #421
1st. Goulds #519
St. Joseph24, 57 mins (Third Place)
1st. Topsail #123
1st. Topsail #221
Paradise #19
Paradise #220
Paradise #37
1st. MacPherson #18
1st. MacPherson #215
MQP #113
MQP #217
MQP #312
MQP #418
1st. CBS #123
1st. CBS #214
St.Andrew's #121
St.Andrew's #215
St.Andrew's #315
St.Andrew's #423


Team Names Scores
MacDonald Drive33


Hope to see you all at Camp Nor'West again next year.

Last modified: May 3, 2011.Created by [Your browser cannot view this email address] SJOC