Pippy Park

Meet Directors:Nolan White and Michael Rayment

Meet conditions: Sunny ( 20 degrees Celsius )

Sept 9th , 1:30PM

Short Course - 1.3 km

Names Scores
Paul Price and Mya Inniss0:56:32
Rick and Dominick Flynn0:56:34
Larry and Tavis Bouzane1:27:00

Medium Course - 2.1 km

Names Scores
Adrian and Akash Fiech0:58:58:54
Rio Zhan and Wei Zhang1:21:05
Sharene Bungay, Sam, Emma, Sarah and Samuel Bromley1:27:53

Long Course - 4.2 km

Names Scores
El Schillereff, Helen Spencer and Marian Wissink1:01:36
Danial Schillereff and Danny Spencer1:10:03
Don Spencer1:38:00


Great day for orienteering

Last modified: October 7, 2012.