Butterpot Park

Meet Directors: Alex and Richard Charron

Meet conditions: Cloudy ( 12 degrees Celsius ), some flies

June 7, 1:30PM

Short Course - 2.3 km

Names Scores
Dave Grant, Amelia Fillier and Hannah Reid1:34:30

Medium Course - 3.2 km

Names Scores
Stephen Brown1:41:30
Mike Wilkshire2:02:15
Aaron Jeffery2:18:30
Kamp GroupDNF

Long Course - 4.6 km

Names Scores
Barry Power2:18:30
Don SpencerDNF
Michael RaymentDNF


Turned out to be a good day for orienteering

Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? Have we mangled your name horribly? Drop us a line at the address below.
Hope to see you all at the next meet.

Last updated on May 24, 2009.
Created by [Your browser cannot view this email address] Nolan White