Bell Island

Meet Directors: Randy Dodge, Michael Rayment and Nolan White

Meet conditions: Drizzle ( 10 degrees Celsius )

Oct 4th , 1:30PM

Short Course

Names Scores
Adam Brown, Josh Sharpe and Evan Walters 00:40:40
Jonathan Morris and Logan LeGrand 00:45:45
Ron, Andrew, Pauline and Barry 00:53:49
Nick, Michael and Madeleine 00:55:10
Alex Hand and Adam Forward 00:56:30
Brandon Lewis and Jon Barron 00:57:20
Tyler Elliott and Tyler Nottall 00:58:14
Travis, Catherine, David, Jorden and Allie 1:12:20
Shannon Daniels, Amanda Dillon and Victoria Phillpott DNF
Taylor Chesnutt and Michael Whelan DNF
Matthew Bartlett and Donovan Parsons DNF
Parker and Daniel DNF
Parker Remillard and Daniel Stoyles DNF

Medium Course

Names Scores
Michael Wilkshire 01:36:40
Aaron Jeffery 02:32:15
Charles Borg, Brandon Bartlett and Matthew Ryan 01:31:00(7 of 11)
Michael Fleet, Matthew Chalker and Brandon Hapgood 01:16:30(6 of 11)
Joshua Penney, John Martin and Amanda Grace 01:21:00(6 of 11)
Gregory Butt and Ryan Noftall 01:01:25(? of 11)

Long Course

Names Scores
Joel Engwall 01:39:34
Chad Healey/Cory Hutchings 02:45:50


Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? Have we mangled your name horribly? Drop us a line at the address below.
Hope to see you all at the next meet.

Last updated on May 24, 2009.
Created by [Your browser cannot view this email address] Nolan White