Cape St. Francis Meet Results

Meet Director: Michael Sullivan and Jeff Driscoll

Meet conditions - Cloudy 6 degrees C

May 29, 2005 1:30PM

Long Course

Names Scores
Nolan White 1:15
Michael Rayment 1:47
Michael Wilkshire 3:09
John Doucet & Pauline Emery 3:23

Medium Course

Names Scores
Steven, Chesley, Zackary Brown 1:38
Don & Danny Spencer, C. Chaytor 2:27
Murray & Andrew Brooker 2:29

Short Course

Names Scores
Steven, Chesley, Zackary Brown & Victor, Helen Kenney 1:18
Rachel, Tim, Margaret, Bronwyn Moore 1:38


Thanks for those who braved the weather to attend the meet.

Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? Have we mangled your name horribly? Drop us a line at the address below.
Hope to see you all at the next meet.

Last modified: May 3, 2011.
Created by [Your browser cannot view this email address] SJOC