Training meet for Codroy Valley 3023 Army Cadets, Pippy Park

Meet Directors: Alex Charron, Randy Dodge, Michael Rayment, Nolan White, Marian Wissink

Meet conditions: Sunny and warm, 21 degrees C

May 27th, 2011 , 1:30PM

Meet Results

Names Time Score
Kilo: Emma, Emily, Denny1:04:4711
Hotel: Stevie, Nathan, Devon1:10:5311
Juliet: Matthew, Zachary, Kyle1:10:5311
Alpha: Caitlin, Lydsey, Megan1:23:0711
India: JJ, Lucas, Cameron1:03:009
Echo: Cassandra, Kalie, Stephanie1:06:009
Foxtrap: Jacob, Brittany, Tyler1:12:449
Charlie: Kayla, Alison, Michael1:23:154
Delta: Shawn, Katie, Colin1:13:55?
Golf: Donovan, Zachary, Travis1:18:15?
Bravo: Colton, Emily, Kyle1:23:07?


Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? Have we mangled your name horribly? Drop us a line or give us a call.
Hope to see you all at the next meet.

Last modified: June 2, 2011.