Halloween Trick or Treat Meet, Butterpot Park

Meet Director and Assistants: Evan Edinger, Jennifer Rendell, Randy Dodge and Nolan White

Meet conditions: Sunny with cloudy periods (10 degrees Celsius )

October 25th

Score Meet Results

Don & Helen Spencer2001:05:30
Justin & Corey Gosse2001:17:13
Michael Rayment2001:21:00
Chris, Susan and Declan Flanigan + 1 Kennedy2001:23:38
Jasper, Connor Coombs, Connor Flaherty, Darryl2001:33:15
Joel, Jacob Madores, Kieran Edinger2001:38:00
Paradice Cubs 121701:32:56
Paradice Cubs 101701:33:00
Stewart, Elaine, Anna Cole1201:18:00
Torbay Scouts Green2001:45:15
Gerard White and Family2001:46:30
Paradise Cubs 14 Craig Smith1601:38:00
Torbay Scouts Blue Ethan, Will2001:49:45
paradise Cubs 7 Ches West1601:41:50
Paradise Cubs 8 (Gangstas)1501:42:00
Paradise Cubs 131501:42:00
Gerard, Gavin Fitzpatrick2001:56:00
Richard, Nick, Ben, Paul Janzens2002:02:30
Jacqueline, Sara Rolland-Raydon1001:26:30
Torbay Scouts Purple Blake, Snows1601:51:30
Paradise Cubs A1 Bond Swain2002:05:25
Paradise Cubs A 3 - Dean Whalen1401:45:50
Pathfinders Heather, Sam, Julie1701:56:00
Jim Russell, Rafe Stevenson, Ger Stevenson, Monica Squires1501:50:00
Paradise Cubs A 6 Jason Noel2002:10:15
Paradise Cubs A 5 Barray Coish2002:11:10
Phil, Oscar, Fitzpatrick1501:53:30
Paradise Cubs 9 Mike Hall1501:54:00
Luc, Clotilde, Madeleine Rolland901:33:00
Paradise Cubs A 4 Jason Hopkins901:42:20
Paradise Cubs A 2 Shelley Gosse1101:56:30
paradise Cubs 11 Chris H.1202:05:00


The ranking from first place to last place is displayed from top to bottom of this table respectively. The ranking was based on the number of controls visited, the elapsed time and a penalty for taking longer than 90 minutes.

Last modified: November 4, 2015.
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