Pippy Park Training Meet

Meet Directors: Abigail Steele, Marian Wissink, 1st Torbay Venturers

Meet conditions: Cold and wet, ( 4 degrees Celsius )

May 15th , 1:30PM

Short Course - 1.5 km

Names Scores
Jamie Graham28:46
Mark Biegler, Adrian, Skye29:40
1st MacPherson, Group 1&234:25
Stephen and Chesley Brown34:55
Michael Sullivan36:05
Phil Graham36:52
Randy Dodge37:47
Tim Moore, Rachel, Margaret, Helen Spencer43:05
1st MacPherson, Group 347:23
Pauline Emery and John Doucet49:39


Thanks to Hilary, Skye, Beth, Nicolas, Adrian (1st Torbay Venturers) and Landon (1st Vanier Scouts), for setting up the short course. Pauline, John and Mike for helping to take it all down. Thanks to all SJOC members who came to help out.

Apologies to Randy, who got last year's map ... whoops ...

Last modified: May 3, 2011.
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