Rorary Park Meet Results

Meet Directors: Randy Dodge, Michael Rayment, Nolan White, Marian Wissink

September 12 1:30PM

Training Course

Names Scores
G. Walsh 19:10
Mike Parmenter 20:00
Danny, Don, Helen 20:30
Bailey White 20:45
Smyth 21:04
L. Gosse and Robert Murphy 21:50
Chad Brocklehurst 21:54
Gary, Brian, Shawn 22:18
Simone and Adrien 23:54
Keith Au 24:20
David Cox 25:08
Cory and Ammaude 26:46
Ann Marie, Pauline, John 26:50
Sturge and Wills 26:57
Devin Thorne 29:07
Andrew, Christopher, Nolan 32:14
Pikachu's 33:10
Adrian Charron, Margot Doucet, Beth Spencer 33:52
Lucille and Anne-Laure Morin 34:59
Tony Gosse and Chris Gosse 35:50
A. White and M. White 38:06
Rebecca and Ruth 38:52
Walsh and Keirney 42:10
Gillian Curtis 41:20
Harnett and Senior 41:36
A. Murphy 43:40
Last updated on September 21, 1999.
Created by [Your browser cannot view this email address] Nolan White