Pippy Park Training-Meet Results

Meet Director: Nolan White / Mike Rayment

Meet conditions - Cloudy / Drizzle 10 degrees C

Sept. 12, 2010 1:30PM

Training Course - 2.1 Km

Names Scores
Seamus 0:27:16
Curtis 0:27:26
Kim,Colin,Noah,Jake 0:34:09
Kyle 0:35:10
Liam 0:42:50
Bill & Merri 0:53:40
Mark, Rebecca & Carolann 0:54:40
Tommy 0:56:00
Don Spencer 0:57:00
Stephanie,John,Lisa,Heather 1:02:20
Austin,Tyler 1:02:10
Buckle,Storey,Mason,Jeff,Harrison DNF


Thanks to Randy Dodge for helping out.

Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? Have we mangled your name horribly? Drop us a line at the address below.
Hope to see you all at the next meet.

Last updated on Oct. 12, 2010.
Created by [Your browser cannot view this email address]sjoc@cs.mun.ca Nolan White