Pippy Park Meet Results

Meet Directors: Frank Parsons

June 10th 1:30PM

Long Course

Names Scores
Noel Roy35:02
Abigail Steele35:03
Martin Mulligan39:26
Don Spencer42:15
Michael Rayment46:24
Pauline Emery, Helen Spencer and Marian Wissink48:27
Daniel Schillereff and Danny Spencer50:22
Adrien Charron and Margot Doucet58:26
Kagan Roy76:50
Andrew Carter, Ryan Sweeney and Nolan White92:30

Short Course

Names Scores
Thomas McKenna and Seamus Porter44:09
Ruth, Emily, Maia and Ellie71:30
Last updated on June 14, 2001.
Created by [Your browser cannot view this email address] Nolan White