
Meet Director: Phil Graham

Meet conditions - Cloudy with Sunny periods and 14 C

June 5, 2005 1:30PM

Long Course

Names Scores
Nolan White 1:21:00
Michael Rayment 1:47:40
Alex Charron & Nicolas Morin 1:55:15
Neil Barrett & Matthew Huang & Dwight Kuo 2:20:35
Richard Charron & John Doucet 2:41:24
Michael Wilkshire 2:42:53
Pauline Emery & Marian Wissink 2:49:45

Medium Course

Names Scores
Michael Sullivan 1:44:55
Martin Mulligan 1:45:40
Randy Dodge 1:59:30
Tony Middleton & George Middleton & Marylin Reid DNF

Short Course

Names Scores
Barb and Keith Taylor and Grand Childern 1:45:00


Thanks for those who attended the meet.

Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? Have we mangled your name horribly? Drop us a line at the address below.
Hope to see you all at the next meet.

Last modified: May 3, 2011.
Created by [Your browser cannot view this email address] SJOC