2.3 Distutils-specific terminology

The following terms apply more specifically to the domain of distributing Python modules using the Distutils:

module distribution
a collection of Python modules distributed together as a single downloadable resource and meant to be installed en masse. Examples of some well-known module distributions are Numeric Python, PyXML, PIL (the Python Imaging Library), or mxDateTime. (This would be called a package, except that term is already taken in the Python context: a single module distribution may contain zero, one, or many Python packages.)
pure module distribution
a module distribution that contains only pure Python modules and packages. Sometimes referred to as a ``pure distribution.''
non-pure module distribution
a module distribution that contains at least one extension module. Sometimes referred to as a ``non-pure distribution.''
distribution root
the top-level directory of your source tree (or source distribution); the directory where setup.py exists and is run from

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