Theme Name : Kessel Run II Author : Tower Copyright : Background is courtesy of Cap'n Jim Varner. All objects in the background are trademarks of Lucasfilm. Background is in .jpg format. Colors, tiles and title/menu bars are courtesy of me. Cap'n Jim's Notes on the background image ------------------------------------- Image Credits : Millenium Falcon - Iven Connary Planet and Moon Meshes - Jim Varner Additional Falcon Texture Mapping - Jim Varner Background Nebula - Jim Varner Images Notes : "Kessel Run II" Depicts the Millenium Falcon on a treacherous smuggling run. Journal : This imageis a remake of the old Kessel Run image I first released to the web in August of '96. I created the background first, and said, hmmm. What would look good here? After placing several ships in its place (such as Star Destroyers, etc), I decided the Falcon looked best, and went with that. Ooops, I may be giving away too many secrets here...