Theme Name : Far from Home Author : Tower Copyright : Background is courtesy of Cap'n Jim Varner. Background is in .jpg format. Colors, tiles and title/menu bars are courtesy of me. Image Credits : 3D Galaxy Mesh - Jim Varner Space Probe Mesh - Jim Varner Image Notes : Scarred by several millenia of interstellar travel, a NASA interplanetary probe continues its lonely voyage beyond the realm of our galaxy - A battered ambassador for a species long since extinct. Journal : I created this image to show off the new whirlpool galaxy mesh I have been working on these last few weeks. I am especially proud of this mesh because it prooved far more difficult to make than I first thought. While it would be a relatively easy task on some other render programs, 3DSMAX simply isn't designed to create this sort of effect. After weeks of tweaking (and using almost every unpublished trick I know), I feel that I have finally created a mesh that looks at least somewhat realistic from most any angle.