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Income Tux 2007 Spreadsheet for Newfoundland and Labrador

Income Tux 2007 is a spreadsheet based upon the Income Tax forms and schedules available from the Canada Revenue Agency.

It was developed on Ubuntu Linux v7.10 using v2.3. is an office suite that is freely available for several operating systems (Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, Solaris). To use it, download and install from their site for free. Then download the spreadsheet, below.

Other spreadsheet programs which support the Open Document Format (ODF) Standard (ISO/IEC 26300:2006) should also be okay. (On Mac OS X, NeoOffice may be a better choice.)

Some Screenshots

readme readme t1gen-p1 t1gen-p2 t1gen-p3
t1gen-p4 sched1-p1 sched1-p2 nl428-p2 nl428-p1


Download the Income Tux 2007 spreadsheet for Newfoundland and Labrador.


Please distribute this spreadsheet freely, but do not modify or delete the first page.


Unfortunately, we don't have the resources or time to answer all questions nor are we qualified to offer tax advice. We cannot take responsibility for any issues that result from the use or misuse of this spreadsheet.

This spreadsheet is provided with no warranty and/or support. It is currently incomplete and contains errors!
This spreadsheet is not endorsed by the Canada Revenue Agency nor by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Donald Craig (
Last modified: February 27, 2009 22:55:39 NST
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