Sound File Enhancements

To add effects to your sound file, select the Effects menu. Then a list of the effects that you can add to your sound file will appear.

Note that anytime that you add an effect and don't like it after you hear it, just go to the Edit menu and select Undo . This will undo the last effect that you used on your file.

Now for an explanation on the effects. The Echo effect adds echo to your file. When selected, the Echo menu should appear.

From this menu, you can change the Delay , which affects how fast the sound will bounce back. The Volume change how loud the echo will be. The lower the volume, the quiter the echo will be.

Next is the Filter . The Filter is used to remove a range of frequencies from the sound file. The Lowpass and Highpass options allows the user to modify the range of frequencies that is removed. For more information, see the online Help .

Next is the Mechanize effect. This adds a robotic or mechanical effect to the sound file. When selected, the Mechanize menu should appear. A higher Quality priduces a distorted effect, while a low Quality produces on untuned radio effect.

Next is the Offset effect. When selected, the Offset menu should appear. The Offset adjusts or removes the DC offset in a sound by shifting it up or down. A positive value shifts it up, while a negative value shifts it down.

The Reverse effect reverses the sound file and plays it backwards. Next is the Volume menu.

The Change option in the Volume menu modifies the sound file so that it sounds louder or softer. The Change Volume menu should appear. This is where the volume of the soud file can be changed.

Next is the Fade In option under the Volume menu. When selected the Fade In menu should appear.

By changing the value in the Initial Value box, you can change how the volume of the sound file vill increase. For example, a value of 0 will start the sound file at silence and gradually increase it to full volume.

Next is the Fade Out option under the Volume menu. When selected, the Fade Out menu will appear.

The Fade Out option will gradually decrease the volume of the sound file. For example, a value of 100 fades to complete silence.

The Maximize option under the Volume menu increases the volume as high as possible without distortion occuring.

The final option under the Volume menu is the Shape option. When selected, the Shape Volume menu will appear. By using the mouse, you can "bend" the line of sound. This feature is a bit complicated to use.

Next is the Playback Rate . This changes the entire rate at which the sound file is played. When selected, the Playback Rate menu will appear. Under the Rate box, the playback rate can be modified.

Next is the Resample option. This allows the user to change the sound file so that it can be played at a different sampling rate. When selected, the Resample menu will appear. This will change the entire sampling rate of the sound.

Next is the Transpose option. The transpose option allows the user to change the pitch of their sound file. When selected, the Transpose menu will appear.

The final enhancement in the Effects menu is the Expression evaluator . When selected, the Expression Evaluator menu will appear. The Expression Evaluator is a tool used for manipulating and generating sound files. The online Help is the best way to learn how to use this feature. It includes an example on how to create an equation to use.

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