CS2718 Assignment 6

Unlike previous assignments, this assignment should be completed by submitting scripts and output files. The scripts and output files should be uploaded to D2L individually and should use the names mentioned below.

Submit via D2L by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 16.

Exercise 1: Moving image files

A set of files and directories is created with:

mkdir ex1; cd ex1
mkdir -p images jpg-{even,odd} png-{even,odd}
touch images/{1..10}.png images/{1..10}.jpg

Write a script the moves all of the even jpg files into jpg-even, all of the odd jpg files into jpg-odd, all of the even png files into png-even, and all of the odd png files into png-odd. Note that 1.jpg is odd and 2.jpg is even.

Provide the source code in file move-images.sh.

From within the ex1 directory execute your script as follows:

ls -lR > ex1.txt

Both move-images.sh and ex1.txt should be submitted via D2L.

Exercise 2: Summing Integers

Write a shell script that sums the integers in a file. The first argument of the script is the name of the file. Be sure to print an error if the file argument is not provided.

First create an ex2 directory. Then enter that directory and create the test file with:

(i=1;while (( i < 100 )); do echo $((i*3)); (( i++ )); done) > tst.dat

The script should accept one argument, the test file. If an incorrect number of arguments is supplied, the script should issue an error message and exit with a status of 1.

Assuming it is called appropriately, your script should output:

The sum is XXX.

Call your script, sum-of-ints.sh.

Execute your script as follows:

sum-of-ints.sh tst.dat > ex2.txt

Both sum-of-ints.sh and ex2.txt should be submitted via D2L.

Exercise 3: Extract Column

Write a shell script that outputs the second column of the file created with the script:

while (( i < 10 )) ; do
    echo $((i*3)),$((i*5)),$((i*7))
    (( i++ ))
done > tst.dat

The script should accept one argument, the name of the input file (tst.dat).
If an incorrect number of arguments is supplied, the script should issue an error message and exit with a status of 1. Call your script second-col.sh.

Execute your script as follows:

second-col.sh tst.dat > ex3.txt

Both second-col.sh and ex3.txt should be submitted via D2L.

Hint: use IFS=, and read a b c to parse the columns.

Exercise 4: Please Password

Write a script that prompts a user for a password until the password please is entered. An example session is:

password please:
password please:
password please:
thank you

In this case, please was entered at the third prompt. Note that the password should not be displayed. The program will only exit when the correct password is entered.

Call your script, please.sh.